How to create your own Geomancy Chart

Saira Kadeer • Oct 14, 2022

Geomancy covers all areas of your life. It is an ancient divination art that dates back to at least the medieval times. Traditionally this was something that women would do, in fact it was associated with witches. Interestingly, you don’t have to be psychic (or a witch!) to do this.

I love this because you can do readings for yourself, or other people, and the information you can get is mind blowing. This is a really great way to read for ourselves.

To create your chart you will need a pen and a blank piece of paper, as well as a dice or a coin.

1) At the top of the page write ‘Four Mothers’
  • Underneath that write ‘1, 2, 3, 4’ across the page
  • Now – flick your coin, or roll your dice (if a dice then an even number will equal two dots, an odd number will equal one dot. If using a coin then tails will equal two dots, and heads will equal one dot)
  • Under the number 1 draw either 1 or 2 dots, dependent on the results of your coin flick/dice roll
  • Repeat this 4 times and note the results underneath each one
  • You will end up with your geomantic symbol, like this:

2) Underneath the above, on the page write ‘Four Daughters’

  • Underneath that write ‘5, 6, 7, 8’ across the page
  • To create symbol 5 you need to take the first row of Four Mothers 1, 2, 3 & 4 to create your symbol for Four Daughters 5. To create your symbol for Four Daughters 6 you need to take the second row of Four Mothers 1, 2, 3 & 4…and so on for each of the remaining Four Daughters numbers
  • You will then end up with your geomantic symbols for this row


3) Underneath the above, on the page write ‘Four Nieces’

  • Underneath that write ‘9, 10, 11, 12’ across the page
  • The nieces are created by adding together the points in pairs of two figures above (taken from The Daughters) If there are an even number of points, two points are put down; if there is an odd number of points, one point is put down. For example, the first niece is created by adding the points of the first and second mothers. Again, the geomancer proceeds from right to left

4) Underneath the above, on the page write ‘Left Witness’ and ‘Right Witness’

  • For the Left Witness you are going to add symbols 9 and 10 together using the same principle as before
  • For the Right Witness you are going to add symbols 11 and 12 together using the same principle as before

5) Underneath the above, on the page write ‘The Judge’

  • For the symbol you need to add the Left Witness and Right Witness symbols together, using the same principle as before

You then have your chart, which comprises 12 symbols. This correlates to the 12 Houses within astrology i.e. self, possessions, family, children etc

The Left Witness is all about your subconscious influences that are affecting your life or situation at the moment. The Right Witness is all about the physical outcome, or what is coming in directly to influence your situation, either positively or negatively. The Judge is the final outcome. 

I’d love for you to try out creating your own Geomancy chart.

Join my Facebook group here for gifted and ambitious individuals wanting to experience a deeper psychic connection. Inside I regularly go live with free readings and offer my thoughts, insights and guidance. Here you’ll be first to learn about my brand new courses and programmes. 

OR maybe

If you found this useful you may be interested in my You Are Psychic Membership where you can access more information on Geomancy, as well as all the other benefits of the membership.

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Are you seeking a deeper connection with your inner self and the universe around you? Tuning into your third eye may be just what you need. The third eye, also known as the pineal gland, is a powerful source of intuition and spiritual insight. By opening and activating your third eye, you can access heightened states of consciousness and tap into your inner wisdom. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of tuning into your third eye and provide some tips on how to do it. To start with, the third eye is a chakra that is located on your forehead, just above your brow and between your eyes. You can work with this energy in a multitude of ways, but the best way to start tuning into it is to close your eyes. You don’t want images from the real world clouding what you see through your third eye. Then what you should ideally start to get is imagery - this is your ‘psychic sight’. Think of it like a magnifying glass that a detective would use. If your third eye is truly open you will get vivid dreams, see things quite clearly, you might even see your spirit guide. In order to get to the meaning of the vision you are seeing, you need to use the other chakras. You cannot use the third eye alone. Perhaps next time you watch the news and there is a missing person report, turn the TV off and close your eyes. Tune into what your third eye is seeing. Maybe it’s water, or a building, or a number. Really see what it is telling you. Then watch the rest of the news report and check if any of the details match your vision. You could think of your third eye like a laser beam, scanning around for things. So for example, if someone was unwell, you could ‘scan’ their body to see inside and find out what is wrong with them. You could even use this scanning technique to see behind a closed door. I’d like to challenge you to spend a week practising seeing through your third eye! Every night before you go to sleep, close your eyes and see what you can see through that third eye. Willfully open it. See what spirits, energies, colours - in fact anything - are around you. Once you start to see things through it, you can start to visualise things and piece them together. You could use the technique of psychometry, where you hold an object in your hand, such as an item of jewellery, an old coin or a photograph of someone who has passed away. You can then close your eyes and instruct the imagery that you wish to see, for example you might want to see things from their life, or who owned the object. You can then note what you see down. If you keep practising this skill then it will become more and more natural to you, and you will really start to see patterns and be able to give accurate information based on the questions that you ask your third eye! In conclusion, tuning into your third eye can be a transformative experience that can lead to greater self-awareness and enlightenment. By practising meditation, mindfulness and other techniques, you can learn to activate and harness the power of your third eye, unlocking hidden potential and accessing a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. If you’re ready to skyrocket your psychic abilities, join me over in the You Are Psychic Membership - the only place to access EVERYTHING you need to activate your psychic abilities.
by Saira Kadeer 31 Jul, 2023
Whether you are a seasoned psychic, or just starting out, this guide will provide you with the necessary knowledge and tools to deliver a powerful and accurate reading. With the right mindset, techniques and preparation, you can help your clients gain insight, clarity and guidance for their lives. So, let's dive in and explore the art of giving an effective psychic reading! Ideally you would be looking to fill around 30-60 minutes of time for an effective live reading session. These might be in person, or on a platform like Zoom. You need a structure to be able to do a psychic reading. One that you are comfortable with, and one that you have developed effectively. When I started giving psychic readings I used psy cards, tarot cards, rune stones, chakra dowsing, and I would sometimes pull out an angel card at the end. However, ultimately you need to develop your own structure. When you are starting out, it’s fine to have notes to one side to help guide you. You don’t have to be brilliant straight away, it’s a gradual process. You need to ensure that your comfort zone is well and truly in place! That said, always try to push your comfort zone to be a better version of you - this will provide your clients with the best version of you, and therefore they will get the reading results that they desire. Don’t feel the fear of getting it wrong. Don’t ever let that hold you back. Be brave and go for it! To start with, I deal out my psy cards and see which ones I am drawn to. Once I have exhausted that I then pull them all together, shuffle them and repeat the process. I usually do that about three times. I then move onto my tarot, dealing out a set of cards to build on what I got from the psy cards. Expanding out and thinking about what else I need to be looking at. If you get really stuck during the reading, think about the main areas of life. The areas of life to focus on are: work, love, family, home and money. I tend not to cover health during a reading - if you are clear about that with yourself, then your guides will tend to work around these during a reading. Your guides will help you stick to your rules. It’s your job to be the translator or intermediary for yours (and their) spirit guides. There will be a four way conversation going on between you, the person you are reading for and the cards. You need to be able to turn those ‘random messages’ that come through into something meaningful. It is entirely possible to go from random messages, to something more comprehensive, that covers lots of areas. The idea is to elongate the reading and make it engaging. You need to find a way that makes you a good psychic medium. Sometimes you might get the same message, but it presents itself in different ways. That is when I would consult more than just the cards. I might then do some chakra dowsing for example. Five minutes before the end of the reading, invite questions about anything that they aren't clear on, or that need answering for them. However, if you have been thorough and proactive during the reading, giving as much information as possible, then questions should be very few (if any) at the end of a successful reading. If you really feel that the reading is ‘drying up’, then always be honest and say that you have been guided as much as you can be, and wrap the session up earlier. In terms of charging for this, then always offer a refund of the unused time. In summary, over time you will develop, tune in more, improve, understand how to give more and therefore give quality readings. The journey should be fun, so enjoy it and keep practising! If you’re ready to skyrocket your psychic abilities, join me over in the You Are Psychic Membership - the only place to access EVERYTHING you need to activate your psychic abilities.
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